Cambridge International Education (CIE)

Investiture Ceremony 2022

The Investiture Ceremony 2022-23 successfully inducted the new school Council members of the KENNEDY HIGH the global school.

The Investiture ceremony at Kennedy High has set up a benchmark for making leaders who have the capacity to translate vision into reality, as the school entrusted hope, faith and the mantle of responsibility to the newly appointed school cabinet.

The program commenced with good wishes to the future Kennedy leaders. The ceremony was presided by the Chief Guest, Chairman Sri. S. Jamala Reddy, the Guest of Honour, Managing Director, Sri. M.Subba Reddy and Principal Ms. Rajyalaxmi Bhat.

In his speech, Chairman, Sri. S. Jamala Reddy Student motivated the new Council Members to be role models and render their responsibilities sincerely so that they leave a rich legacy to follow and others are inspired to be like them. He also advised the students to be empathetic and always be ready to extend a helping hand so that they become not only successful leaders but also good human beings.

Principal Ms. Rajyalaxmi Bhat congratulated the newly appointed school council members and asked them to use these opportunities and balance them well with academics to excel in both.

The student council members marched in with their full glory, to the beat of drums and cheers from the fellow students, teachers and coordinators present. The school Head Boy, Head Girl, Head Prefects along with the Sports Captain, Cultural Captain, Values Education Captain, Financial Literacy Club Captain, Dramatics Club Captain, Quiz Club Captain, Entrepreneurship Club Captain and all four House Captains and Vice- Captains were conferred with badges, sashes and flags, followed by oath taking ceremony.

This ceremony signifying the reliance and confidence that the school consigns in the newly office bearers was held with great enthusiasm and dignity in the school premises and will remain etched in the hearts of those who were apart of this memorable occasion.

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